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HomeAboutCritical Information Summary

Critical Information Summary

Date: Wed Apr 24 19:45:09 2024

Service: Unlimited Dialup

Information about the service

The offer includes: A dialup service.

The offer is a bundle of services: No

The offer requires mandatory purchase of Telecommunications goods from us: No

Available minimum terms: None

Information about pricing

The minimum monthly charge is: $12.95

Other Information

Usage: You can obtain call and data usage information by visiting our website, clicking 'My Account' and logging in with your username and password.

Terms: All services are supplied pursuant to our Business Terms.

Customer service contact details: 1300 556 842

Complaints process: You can make a complaint in writing or by calling us and following the process outlined in our Complaints Handling Policy on our website listed under 'Policies'. The policy explains how you can make a complaint and how your complaint will be addressed. You can make a complaint by emailing complaints@beagle.com.au or calling 1300 556 842 and specifically stating you want to make a complaint.

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman: The TIO is a private company that makes money through providing an alternate dispute resolution service. It is not a government organisation and has no powers to direct infrastructure providers such as Telstra or Optus to perform any act such as repair lines and upgrade or repair exchanges or base stations. They can be contacted on 1800 046 686.

More Information about Broadband Services: You can get educational information about broadband technologies by clicking here.